
By andypowe11


I'm still off my bike. I need to get it into a shop for an insurance evaluation and then (probably) start looking for a new one but am struggling to find the time. Frustrating :-(

An update on my 4000 miles in the year challenge...

Miles cycled: 3607.8
Target to date: 2663.0
Miles to go: 392.2

It's been an odd month, what with the long Land's End to John O'Groats ride followed by the accident. Because/in spite of that, we're roughly 2/3 of the way thru the year and I'm well ahead of target overall. As it stands, I only need to average about 3.2 miles per day for the rest of the year to complete the 4000 miles :-), though, obviously, the longer I'm off the road the greater that average will get.

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