All the Fun of the Fair
I haven't been to one of these for years. But it seems to be the kind of place that never changes - the sounds and smells were the same tonight as they were 40 years ago the first time I went to the one that came to Chester. My best friends mother took us with her Nana. I had one of the best times I can remember. I even won a goldfish. When we got in the car to go home, my friend's Nana insisted that she looked after the bag with the goldfish in it. Reluctantly I gave it to her. When we got back to my house, she looked about in her darkened footwell, realising that the bag she thought contained the goldfish, she had confused with the one containing the candyfloss. They found the goldfish in the footwell the day after.
Despite the distant trauma of the goldfish incident I still love the fair, I love the lights, smoke (very planet unfriendly no doubt), noise and smells. Tonight's visit provided a welcome distraction from the traumas of daily life just now.
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