Counting Ducks

It's a bit like herding cats or finding needles in haystacks. Makes your head hurt and you're never sure if you've quite got it sussed.

Yesterday I could have sworn there were ten, today there appear to be eleven. I don't think their mother knows how many there are either. Very confusing. They move so quickly that it's impossible to tell.

Now it is possible that there was one lonely wee egg alone in her nest still to hatch and the duckling somehow managed to find it's way to the area we've penned their Mum and siblings into but I think it's more likely that it's just too difficult to count fast moving flurry objects.

Now the challenge for us and Trout (their mum) is to try and get as many as we can to survive this late in the season. All we can do is make sure they've got food, water and shelter and cross a lot of fingers and beaks.

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