Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra


Lyra finally got her first tooth a few days ago and the second one made an appearance yesterday before I'd even managed to get the first one on film (well.. on disc, you know what I mean). So I thought it was time to double my efforts.

I've been trying every which way to get her to show it off for the camera but to no avail.

Then today I tried something so radical you won't believe it.... I said 'Lyra, please show mummy your tooth so she can take a picture' and as you can see, she obliged. I'm sure that it was a flukey coincidence but every mother likes to believe her child is a prodigy so I'm going to go with the assumption that she underestood - and when retelling the story in years to come I might embellish it a little.... "and then she skipped over to me and replied 'Why of course Mummy - here is my tooth, let me set up the tripod and the macro lens for you...' "

(It's her bottom right central incisor apparently, the bottom left has just poked through but only visible to the naked eye of a highly attuned mother who really wants to believe she can see it).

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