
By dark

Closing of the Day

So, so busy this week, I've barely had time for anything. Had to resort to a cell phone shot yesterday (and to top it all off, my internet was down, so I had to back-blip it).

This is the view from my office window.

Though it's not a seashore, I offer the shot in honor of Sea Urchin, one of the first blippers I found when I stumbled across our little website, and whose work was so consistently amazing that I was blown away - I in fact didn't join at first, for fear of not living up to the high standard that she and the others here had set.

And now she's leaving us.

Her presence will sorely be missed.

Her absence will be deeply felt.

There was a chill in the air today - the seasons are finally changing here in Atlanta.

I think they're changing here on Blip as well.

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