Rodents rule

By squirk

Tangerine Man

Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!!

I rarely eat fruit in the office. My two desk buddies each have fruit bowls and munch their way healthily through their pyramid of fruit throughout the week. So, they were much surprised when I ate three tangerines this afternoon. I love tangerines - they smell like Christmas.

I play a game when I peel a tangerine and try to peel off the skin whole. I managed it with this one. You know when people see shapes in clouds? Well, I saw a running person in this tangerine peel. A friend saw a long-necked, long-tailed dinosaur with a wing (you have to turn the picture 45 degrees anti-clockwise).

Edit: I originally posted the 24/10/07 picture here on the wrong date. I'm not organised enough to blip in the mornings, I think. Sorry Lynn - your comment now lingers on the wrong picture!

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