Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

Fallen apples

I've now done two whole months of blipping! It's gone really quickly and I'm still really enjoying it :)

These bright red apples have come off the tree I planted as a child. Twenty years on it's a fabulously big tree blooming with so many apples each year it's amazing.

I had a think about what this picture means to me and it's this:

Sometimes we all look quite vibrant and rosy on the outside but just below the surface can be big bruises where we've come crashing down to earth with a big bump - just like these apples. I guess sometimes it's easier to put on a cheerful front than show how we really feel.

All of these apples in the picture are bruised because they fell from the tree rather than being picked.

Sometimes I feel like I fall, when it would be really nice to be picked! My friends will know what I mean by this and I'm always so grateful when they're there to pick me up and help the bumps heal.

So there we are - just a thought relating to this picture and not a reflection of today - I'm actually feeling very positive and strong believe it or not!

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