Being THAT One Daily

By claudinequinn

Not flashy but more

From all the elaborate leg swinging, air leaping, stretch pinging going on at the Alonzo King dance rehearsal, this was by far the most beautiful moment.

This pair left ME speechless, with the minimum amount of flapping and gesticulating. it is up their along side a select few on my ultimate favorite and most emotive dance experiences.

I think the whole "were together and cosily entwined but now you"re wreckin' me head with your inability to really listen so i'm trying to get the feic away from you but now I like you again cause you said something funny and now we're so wrapped up again I can't find me legs, hang on we're on the move once more cause you just don't understand me at all, you total looser. WAIT! I'm back in! We're all curled and it's feeling nice and protected again but HangOn!! once more you've left the clothes stagnating in the machine machine for a week so now I'm clawing away from you complete shit" really resonates with me.

Perhaps that's not at all what the thing is about. It's probably just about shadow and light. Shut up.

Think all this art and festival is ruining my hard won tough exterior.

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