
I came home today from professional training day two at my new school to a wife created dilemma. Which mug for the staff-room.

Now this is not as simple a choice as one might think. Do I want my work colleges, at this rather good school I now work at, knowing that in my spare time I ride mountain bikes in a stupid way, ride surfboards in a stupid way, have an Animal Ecologist for a wife, drink Guiness, like Penguins, or went to a Primary school in the village where Barkis the carrier picked up David Copperfield (the Charles Dickins book, not the magician) to take him to Gt. Yarmouth?

When offering suggestions please take into account that this particular school got the highest A*-C GCSE percentage (Including Maths and English) of any school in Suffolk (UK) and is one of only three schools in the whole of the UK to get nothing but 1's on it's last OFSTED report.

I may have bit off more than I can chew.


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