
By Mmmmethanol

Late crop

My first upload.
Decided to take my camera to work with me in the hope of finding time to take some pics. The mist was still lying around in parts and some of the views were very photogenic and so decided to find a place to stop on the way. By the time I'd stopped, (why do you always see good photographic oportunities when you're driving along but can't find anywhere to stop?), most of the mist had gone.
I went into one of the last fields to be harvested and came away with this. Also took some shots of dew filled spiders webs but thought this shot was more appealing.
One thing I think I'll struggle with is the fact that, out of all the pictures that you may take on one paticular day, you can only post one! That's going to be a hard choice at some point.

Thanks all, back again soon.

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