Off to new beginnings

By preussischblau

My brio is my island

One thing about BEING with your children 24/7 is that sadly, you actually spend LESS quality time with them than you maybe would if you only saw them "part time".

This afternoon though, whilst Lilli was curled up on the sofa with a fever watching "Singing kettle", the new megahit in our house, I sat down with Sam and we played with his trains which he loves - and it was so lovely. Most adults find it hard to put themselves down to "child play level" and mostly do it halfheartedly, and I wouldn't say that I am very good at it, but sometimes I do manage and when I do I realise - it is so much fun!!! We should all do it more often and let the kid come out again.

And just in case you weren't convinced yet - they now make electric brio engines!!!!

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