Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Holmes and Watson

I spent the morning shopping with my mom, then went home and had a long afternoon nap... bliss!

When I woke up I loaded the boys in the car and took them for a swim at my folks' house, as it's VERY hot here in Johannesburg at the moment. When we arrived there, my mom was up, but my dad was sleeping - he had spent the morning working and was enjoying a bit of a nap.

I kept the boys outside, where they were swimming and running around, before disappearing around the back of the house. When they failed to return, I went looking for them and found them outside my dad's bedroom window. Inspector Paddington (Holmes) had sniffed him out and was standing on his hind legs, watching my dad through the open window! Baloo (Watson) couldn't reach and was receiving updates from Paddington. Needless to say that my dad didn't get up long after that intrusion!

I've blipped Inspector Paddington before, doing shoe duty on the balcony at our house:)

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