In the spotlight.

I like this, It's like a film still.

J was lying on our bed tonight and my little reading lamp was creating a lovely glowing circle. I asked J to lie in the light and I managed to get a few snaps before he protested.

I love his transparent eyebrows. When he was really little his uncle was talking to him and then looked at us and said "he's got no eyebrows". I could see J's face look puzzled so I said "of course he has, they're just really blonde".

That night as J was getting into his jammies in our room, he stood in front of the mirror for a long time staring, "I got no eyebows" he said as a frown crept onto his face. He turned to look at me and started to cry. "you do, you do" I told him.

"you've beautiful eyebrows"

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