The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Senior Spirit

Today was Pep Rally at my school.
I don't know if they have pep rallies in other countries, so basically it's just a huge thing where the school gets together to cheer on sports teams. The band plays and the cheerleaders perform and usually I dread it but for some reason this year I looked forward to it
This year, I'm a senior.
I have only this year left so I'm taking in every moment of it
So I went to Pep Rally this year. This year I was nominated for homecoming queen. This year I'm going to every show, every dance, every event.
I'm not going to regret not going this year

PS. Something seems to be wrong with my camera so I apologize the awful quality. It's not nearly as sensitive to lighting as it once was and is ruining all of my shots. Sorry guys.

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