Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Homeward bound: LA to London

A crazy day ensued: too much to do before the flight from LA to London, cleaning the house, finishing the washing and case stuffing, getting the double stroller and car seats ready, finishing paperwork, archiving all my photos again and again in the way that only someone with a clear case of OCD would do, making sure the boys were exhausted so there would be an ounce of opportunity for me to sleep on the flight and throwing a few things for myself into a case, not knowing quite what I should pack, but bikinis and wellington boots featured even though in retrospective neither was used. With the UK's weather, you really can never tell. I still hadn't finishing buying everything the builders need to finish the construction works in my absence such as bathroom tiles and a couple of photo work projects have escaped me. Alas!

Nestled into their sumptuous BA First Class seats cum 6ft beds (thankfully you still get the same treatment even if you're on airmiles), the boys dellighted in shortbread biscuits whilst Mama indulged in her favourite tipple, champagne. They had a short nap (oh why didn't I close my eyes then?), watched movies with huge headphones and delighted fellow passengers. Well, I have to think that, don't I, otherwise I'd be worried sick that the passengers would be thinking, Ah great, two toddler boys tucked up with us in First Class for 11hrs.

Callum insisted on running around and through the cabin and would repeatedly run through the curtain wanting to check out Business then Economy Plus and then Economy behind us. How far he ran! Didn't he realise the remaining passengers were aching for the luxury we'd found ourselves in? The charade went on for, oh, about 9hrs, just leaving about 1hr for Mama to have a good night's sleep before landing. Lovely!

PS Skip to 2 July for my fresh faced look upon arrival...

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