Yikes! No Disk Space
A quick, cheap and cheerful purchase in response to the blue screen of death - No disk space.
The state of my computer reflects me and I am feeling in a pretty poor state at the moment. I need to get organised with more space and a complete overall: brain defrag, cell hack and chkhead.
The computer is now sorted and running as fast, and as well, as it ever did but I can't believe I let it get into such a poor state - enough to throw a complete wobbler and a memory dump.
Meanwhile, my son has hooked up his iphone to the laptop and is working on his own problems. He is furious that the phone will not let him delete music from the playlist. (He tells me that he will be writing to Apple this evening.) I do hope he doesn't or can't damage the iphone's software. I don't want to be in the same house if his iphone goes into meltdown.
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