
The phone rang at 5.45 this morning, stumbling to the phone, I missed it. Checked the call it had been Eco gran, what was wrong. Called back and my mum needed my help. She has a bad throat infection and could hardly breath. She had an appointment at the hospital. Eco mum went and got her, I walked the dog got everything ready for football and got Eco daughter up.

Dropped off at hospital, I picked up one of the players I was taking. She had no breakfast so fed her. She and her mum are having a tough time just now, so I made up a food parcel from allotment produce. This took me back when my mum and the 3 eco bairns were in similar position, I went to the Salvation army to get Euro Mountain butter, cheese and beef, as well as friends dropping off food.

Eco mum came back with eco gran, she has a throat infection and she had a bad asthma attack. Phew.

I headed to football, the girls played really well and won. Eco daughter was superb, back to her never give up spirit.

Took the 'feeling better' eco gran back home and took Juno for a walk to the allotment to drop of some chutney at the barbie and to Stuart as a thank you.

Making blackcurrant jelly tonight.

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