Club 107

By club107

Green cross code at an early age

After last night's lovely do at eldest sister's house, the official inauguration of the extended, extended, extended extension (I actually think a fourth extended coulod have been added, but it might have killed the desired comic effect) today started slowlyish with number 1 son and child #2 playing at Limpets with their father in the roll of The Rock. After 15 minutes of attempted sleep with arms elevated so as not to be an overhanging rock, I gave up and sadly child #2 was sent packing. I do like the limpet gang with their funny ways and their attempts to tickle me.

So slowly up, breakfast made for all I think then more tidying and an attempt to clear space for vehicles in the garage. Two washes, hey either my life is dull or I am really not finding interesting stuff to say about my day, coffee with the neighbour, talking sheds. It is simple he set expectations before he had even received his one, 'It is rubbish,' he said which surprised me as he is a bit of a perfectionist. I don't actually think it is rubbish but given his age it is sufficiently maintenance free.

We only had two engagements today, the first was for the birthday of Mr T, son of Chris & Co a lovely do and what a beautiful cake. Sadly we were a bit late, crossing Edinburgh can really be a nightmare, today it was the turn of the ITU Duathlon World Championships to paralyse Edinburgh's infrastructure.

Afterwards friends came for tea which gave me two ideas for a nice blip. Better write them down somewhere as my memory is poor at the moment. We also had a skypeo with a friend who we haven't seen for years, that was very nice. Virtual aperitif is planned in the near future.

Nice day, still requiring that time stretching magic trick.


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