
By shy

Some people...

Today should have been a good day - but it was spoilt. It was spoilt by some woman who had absolutely no manners and a very thick skin.
We were in that Jessies shop, queuing to buy a CF card-reader. That shop on a Saturday is normally very busy, and the staff were very busy demonstrating cameras and stuff to people. There were four of us in the queue, and at the desk were a couple of people who had bought a camera (and camera bag, and memory card and a skylight filter and insurance and....). When the painfully long transaction had finished and the couple left, a bloody middle-aged woman nipped around the other side of a display stand and started her transaction. The four of us in the queue politely pointed out to the assistant that she has pushed in. Realising his mistake, he coloured up and then - continued the sodding transaction, saying he would be quick. Meanwhile this woman was studiedly oblivious to the increasingly loud utterances of protest from us four in the queue. I have no idea what she was doing, but it took over 5 minutes.
When she had gone, this assistant was profusely apologetic and recommended that next time we did the same foul act.
No way!
I've only just calmed down..

I've back-posted a picture from yesterday that I'd love you to look at as I'm quite proud of it. Here.


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