Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

... as a parrot

Yep. Sick.

I have a stinker of a cold, and it has been a long time since I have had to stay off work. But my head is splitting, and my throat is sore, as well as the usual stuffed nose and blocked ears.

And what a stormy day; it was no hardship to stay indoors, and feel sorry for myself.

I fell asleep in front of the telly & it was actually the best sleep I have had since the cold started.

Now I am off to bed, and don't know if I'll sleep, or if I will be fit for work. It is hellish when you are a teacher; you feel SO guilty being off - it is such an inconvenience for colleagues, and does hold kids back. My problem with today's classes was that I had some first and second year classes, and the stuff they are doing with me cannot really be done with a cover teacher. So I had to make up some cover work for them, and Pat came round this morning to collect it.

It really is more work to be off, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, it is actually the next day now. Night. or Morning........

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