Living Flame?

Another not-a-lot sort of day. After borrowing Chippy's plug spanner (Must return it) I was faced with two containers ...
1. A 2-stroke mixture ill-mixed by a factor of 5.
2. Another I was sure was unmixed petrol.
2 jars: 2 fuels, 1 red, 1blue.
BLUE!?! The penny had yet to drop.

2 strips of kitchen towel, 1 cigarette lighter.
Red burned like Billy-O, blue only burned at "wick" ... The penny penny droppeth.
"Blue, blue, blue, blue,
Esso Blue".

I had used so little I amalgamated them, took them out-back and had a micro-burn.
Not having taken many today, (3) I messed about with different exposures.

This particular one tickled my fancy.

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