
By 4Boys4Girls

The little harbor down the road

Must be viewed large and here's the image on Smugmug.

It seems that all to often I drive into the village around sunset and I see the sea lighted up with a beautiful light. Every time I see it I think of stopping and grabbing a shot.

Tonight was not the magical light, but it was still pretty good. I had forgotten my camera at home (I had taken an empty camera bag -- which shows how light my camera is that I didn't notice) but luckily my very little Canon S95 had arrived in the post and I had it with me.

After seeing all the great images posted byThe Quiet Plodder with his Canon G10 I knew that the S95 would make a great "carry always" camera. And I was right.

Anyway after taking the image above I decided to play with b&w conversions and I decided that I preferred the converted image since it more closely matched the sometimes very white light I see reflecting off the water (which I have yet to capture).

Here's the original so you can see that it was pretty decent in color anyway.

How's that for a "nothing about me or my family" blip today :)

OK, for those family members and friends who are looking for something a bit more personal. Today was a great day. I made a list of all the things I really have to get done before I leave for SA (in exactly 2 weeks now). I stopped after 7 things so as not to get too distressed.

Anyway I only completed one of the items, but I got all the other ones rolling. So a big success really. Unfortunately it meant being inside of most of a stunning day here.

Then I had a couple of hours in the sun washing the boat with Johanna while the boys were all away. Then we watched Viggo play a football match (1-1) and finally home to cook up a dinner.

Noah started crying again about how he wants to just stay at home and not go to school "as he has no friends there and it takes a long time to fetch him". Other kids can be distracted but if I try and change the subject with Noah he just says very firmly "I'm not talking about that". He's a very strong headed and smart boy my son.

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