In Tru Life

By TruLife

Baby Led Snacking!

We went back to our baby and toddler group today and this is Floriana enjoying a nice snack of juicy apple at a table like a big girl!

My latest rant thought: There's a lot of talk about Baby Led Weaning (BLW) and the idea behind it is great... makes sense. I am in awe of parents who manage it! Only thing is as with all parenting methods it doesn't suit everyone. Exclusively letting your baby eat what they want from finger foods and then bowls/pots of food with their own spoon is great if it suits your lifestyle, the problem is when some (and I'm not saying any of you lovely blip mums and dads so don't jump on me) get so caught up in their own parenting that they think everyone should do the same regardless.

I must say when it comes to weaning, parenting and life in general I'm all for balance so it's Baby and Parent Led Weaning for me please or B&PLW! Flori wasn't overly light when she was born but she did lose more than she should and kept doing so very gradually because she was such a fussy breast-feeder! I needed to wean her at 5 1/2 months and I needed to not take too long about it as I wanted her to start going back up the centiles! That's the main reason I took charge, but I help parents with their problems (wish I had someone sometimes), that's my job and eating problems are my favourite, so I know the benefit of letting babies/kids eat by themselves, letting them make a mess and introducing lumps to babies early. I also know the less stress around mealtimes the better and I know the less we interfere the better, but I also know that letting baby be in total control and feed themselves exclusively can be time consuming (I have an active 8 year old who has lots of activities) messy (great for home but may not be great out), produce a lot of waste (I hate waste), means a very slow process, can be hard to introduce protein without puréeing it, and can mean baby will never let their parents help. I'm not saying my way is better than anyone else's or that anyone should do as I do, I just believe in choice and parents need to feel happy about the way they bring up their kids. BLW is fantastic if it suits you and babies grow up loving good food which is brilliant so I'm not knocking it!

Flori is a fantastic eater, she eats anything and tends to eat loads and is a healthy wee girl, she likes to eat finger foods like strawberries, cucumber, banana, cooked veg, baby biscuits and rice cakes, toast, croissants etc., takes lumps no problemo, and she has a go with a spoon although she's not coordinated at all to get it near her mouth, but she lets mummy feed her too. So for me it might be Baby Led Snacking but it's Baby & Parent Led Weaning!

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