
By rainie


The end of my working (for the $) week today, and I am totally done, spent or whatever.

Not really sure why, cause most weeks are like this, but maybe a few more hours plus I have been out the last three nights and have a meeting tonight...it all adds up I guess, & then the earthquakes and the continuing aftershocks, there were a couple of beauts this morning when I got to work.

So, enough of that, lets move on to brighter things, this gorgeous Camelia, name unknown. It is my favourite, I so love the lemon for a change. Have been waiting for this to come out, but because of the weather it has been holding back, I can hardly blame it really.

So a quick blip of this beauty, using the "baby" f4, +4 macro. Why did I choose that ?? no idea - it was in the lens and I'm too tired to think.

Have a great evening - I'm off out to feed the cattle, Doug has just come home & gone off to bed, he's been working himself to a frazel.


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