Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy note..

I was going to upload a entirely different blip, but on loading the pics, I had to use this one,
Fernie seems to be great at expressions, one thing I love is that it comes totally naturel to her as seen here at 4ish weeks old,
again at 6ish weeks old! Oh yes as you can see I have started back blipping, including the discovery that fernie was a girl.
then her very first photo, (well second the first wasn't very mummy diginified!)

Fernies not having a good day today, she has a lovely snotty nose, then she discovered climbing, and trying to be clever really don't go hand in hand, and as a result has a nasty lump on her head, (on typing this she has done it again!!!!!!!!! Ill finish later

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