Last Day

Today is the last day of our holiday, and it was the hottest day yet! Fortunately we were able to stay at the villa all day, so we went to see the animals again, played in the pool, played in the shower and had a nice lunch. The villa's owner left us some fruit and veg including a watermelon, and I had a big bit of it for lunch!

After lunch Mum, Dad and I said goodbye to Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty and drove to Palma. I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up, we were in the cathedral. I looked up at the stained glass window and said "colours!". We walked back towards the marina, where we were parked, and went for some dinner. A girl came to the table and Mum and Dad told her some things we wanted, and then she went away. I called after her, "come back girl!". I wanted to make sure that she was going to bring me my dinner, because I was very hungry. The restaurant had a chute and see-saw, and I got to play on them for ages! But then another little girl came over, and I ran to my Mummy and hugged her legs. I was pointing at the chute and saying "Orla's", but I wouldn't go back over there.

Eventually, Mum and Dad said it was time to go. We had to go and get our plane! A very nice lady checked us in at the airport and it was all going so well until we got to Duty Free. I got very upset, crying "I want" but not actually being able to tell Mum and Dad what I wanted. In my defence, I was very tired. Mum put me into my pyjamas before we got on the plane. I was determined to stay awake the whole way home, but I ran out of steam and fell asleep around midnight. That's the last thing I remember about our holiday!

The other photos of today.


Last dip in the pool!


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