Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe


I didn't almost forget to Blip today. I swear.

Those are two unrelated propositions. One of them is true.

I didn't shoot at all today, until a few minutes ago. I was having a day off, to let the learning sediment itself. And because I was playing guitar. Anyway, the point of this one was to hit the bottom of the Viconti bottle clearly, and put the rather hideous wall bracket in the background into suitable blur. I think I pretty much got that. Side lit with a directional table lamp, and I used the tripod for the camera.

I also wanted to tweak to b&w in Lightroom, but with a particular, um, vision in mind for the final effect I wanted. I took the Creamtone preset and tweaked from there. Think I got what I wanted out of that, too. Decent enough exercise, really.

I fully recommend these glass bottles of Visconti to any fountain pen users on here, only they don't make them anymore (the plastic replacement bottles have a comparatively crappy ink, imho).

I did consider blipping an homage to Schrodinger's Cat today, but I couldn't find a cat that would sign the model release form.

I'm up at an ungodly hour tomorrow to go to an ungodly part of Liverpool. Fortunately, I'm not particularly godly. But still, I expect it to be bleak. I'll take the camera anyway, but expect little of interest. On the other hand, I'm still umming and ahhing over the relative merits of 35mm prime versus 50mm prime, but one of them is getting bought sometime in the next couple of weeks. You can fully expect a torrent of gleeful blipping street stuff when the holy day comes. ;-P

Right, I'm off - I can hear Cormac McCarthy calling my name...

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