cool and dry

Typing too much might prevent me trying to catch up on sleep. I shall fill this in tomorrow.

This area still doesn't feel quite right after the knock it took when I was off for the back end of May then in another office for a couple of weeks. Besides the increased geographical distance from home it's now in the wrong direction and incompatible with my usual mode of homeward-transport. Evening-trundles, when they happen, now no longer include this section of town. It's possibly also due to the nearby presence of the Filmhouse, which I can't help but think of as something I ought not to think of too often whenever I think of it or walk past. Now that most of the tourists have buggered off public spaces are once again safe to sit in and eat lunch so I shall have to start doing that more often as well as popping out for short bicyclings at lunchtime in order to try and wake up, as postulated yesterday.

I managed a small lie-down and perhaps five minutes of actual sleep in the evening when I got to the flat slightly in advance of Nicky and the lamp and curtains she'd picked up earlier in the day. Rather conveniently the curtain pole turned out to be at exactly the right height to mean that no shortening was required*. All remaining not-leaving-it-there crap has now been removed except for the stepladders and Nicky's bike, both of which can remain in the cupboard under the stairs even when a tenant is in place, leaving just a small covering-panel for the hole in the hall ceiling permitting access to the shower water feed stopcock to be made and fitted and the various inspections to take place, hopefully including someone to reboot the boiler as well as inspect it. The garden will just have to remain a long-grassed wildflower meadow for a bit now that all the relevant tools have been removed.

*No VISIBLE shortening was required. They had apparently been measured earlier in the day and shortened by forty metric centimetres.

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