I feel infinite.

By racheelz

The Perks of Being a Racheelz

In English, we had this project called Rants and Raves where we made an artwork depicting either a book we love or a book we really didn't like. I decided to make a piece with my favorite teenage book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The title of my blipfoto, I feel infinite, is actually from this book. Using my backdrops, I took pictures of myself to copy the pictures on the front cover of the book. Then I surrounded the entire thing with quotes from the novel which I loved. It took a while but it was fun.

Teenager books are just "brain candy" to me but this is the only exception I've read so far. It might not contain any deep, philosophical meaning, but it really touched my heart and relates to the stereotypical teenage life pretty well.

I now realize that senior year will probably be the busiest year for me being that there's so many things to do. School, work, small group leader-ing, senior picture shoots, subject tests, college applications..ahhh!!! I just can't wait until October is over (hopefully I'll have my apps done by then) and then things should start evening out.

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