To wash or not to wash?

I have not cleaned my car in over a year and I'm not proud of it. It really needs a cleaning. No time really as at the weekend it is "dad drive me here" "pick up this". Added to that is a long weekly commute. Excuses, excuses, I know.

Without a doubt the Yankee Candle Air Freshener really masks stale interior aromas. Living in the country, it is pointless washing your car. Five minutes down the lane and it is covered in mud. It is amazing watching cars owners queing at weekends get a power wash (for the car that is). The vehicles look immaculate and thats before they have gone under the hose!

Ah well I suppose, it is each to their own.

A couple of few weeks ago a new lodger took up residence on my side mirror. You can only admire the skill and strength of the construction. This dwelling has survived ferocious gales while cruising down the motorways, torrential rain and the driver window going up and down.

However a blast from a power hose would be the end of them.

Dilemna... :-)

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