Getting better (all the time)
Kind of a rubbishy day. My pupils were very disinclined to learn, so we just mucked around and had a different kind of learning day. Katherine worked through an art book learning about oil pastels (not something I can really help her with, other than admiring the finished work - and correctly identifying it as a daffodil, phew). Conor tolerated some maths and writing practice, then some daft poems and then had a lesson in how to clean bathrooms. Well, I think that's an important life skill - I'm going to file it under the 'responsible citizen' part of the Curriculum for Excellence, and I'm sure anyone Conor shares a house with in the future will thank me for it...
I did realise I was veering dangerously near child labour when I caught myself about to ask Conor to excavate the compacted mass of 'stuff' from the hoover nozzle on the basis that his fingers are skinnier than mine.
Mr B has been in a rotten mood lately - due in part to a fiendishly awful DIY task he took on, but also to a variation of the weird diet I went on a few weeks ago. Of course he refuses to accept that it's affecting his mood at all.
Anyway, all that along with my 'during the week wine ban' made me rather down, but things have picked up and I'm off to gorge on cheese so that can't be bad.
To the photo: tonight you were going to get the first of my red tomatoes, but then I turned around and saw the sweet peas, and this happened. Cheesy greetings card shot I know, but I rather like it.
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