LJ's days in pics

By LJEnchantress

my backup blip!

Well this is as you can see a Squirrel, Not a big fan as all they seem to do is dig up my garden, pinch the moss from my hanging baskets and as this one was doing stealing my (dead but not the point) sunflowers!

My blip was in fact a picture of me with my daughter in a sling and our fantastic traveling (Germany, America, England) baby wearing poncho on as we again got caught in the rain on the school run and I had forgotten one of my daughters rain coats, so she ended up being a baby in the pram and my little one was snuggled in her sling with me and her little head poking out of her special hole in the poncho, lots of looks and lots of ooooh there is a baby in there, look at the cute baby!! But you didn't get that picture as I looked like a drowned rat and I just couldn't put all you lovely blippies through that!

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