
By karmadillo

...pucker up...

I don't like horses.

I think they're beautiful animals. From a distance! It's not so much that I don't like them, more that I respect their power and strength.... yeah, okay, I'm a bit scared of them! ;)

Hubby's mother owns a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge cob named Bruno and a little Shetland pony, Igor which she claims belongs to our 3 children but is really her little pet! ;)

Every August Bank Holiday is horse show day down at the farm she stables her horses at.

I dread it, if I'm honest. I actually usually have a lovely time, laughing at how "Nanna" puts ridiculous fancy dress costumes on the poor horses (usually involving wigs and cross-dressing), catching up with family, watching the kidlets play and, if we're lucky, enjoying the weather! But I still dread it! I forget that all these nice things are going to happen and worry about where we might be able to park and how many horses' butts and hooves I'm going to have to dodge and whether the kids, who are confident and (over)relaxed around horses will get kicked/bitten/trampled/thrown etc! ;D

This year, I still had the dread, but I was also just a little bit excited about the prospect of photographing horses noses!

Horses noses & lips are gorgeous! But they have big teeth behind 'em so I tend to steer clear! Igor, the Shetland turned out to be too drooly and snotty and kept trying to bite my lens!

This is Bruno. This is closer than I usually get! ;)

Gis a kiss!

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