my seoul

By myseoul

an old friend. another rainy day. started yesterday afternoon and hasn't stopped since, a steady downpour for close to 30 hours. kept on waiting for it to stop...but it didnt, so i started looking around my apartment for something interesting to photograph.

when i think of my childhood, i remember countless hours spent playing with lego. i don't think there was anything that i liked more when i was a kid. last year i was walking through one of the huge markets in seoul, when i came across a small store selling lego. i remember begging my mom to take me to toy stores when i was a kid just to look at the lego - and there was nothing more exciting than actually buying something, bringing it home, and tearing the box open.

so when i saw lego in seoul, it was a foregone conclusion that i was going to buy some. i can't even remember the last time i opened a new box of lego, but i'm guessing it had been almost 20 years. i brought it home with the same level of excitement as when i was a kid, tore it open, made the model, and it's been sitting proudly on my shelf ever since. with the weather not cooperating, i figured today was as good a day as any to take my lego farmer out and plow some fields.

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