A Menagerie of Marketeers.....

.....our National Don't Make Money and Do Something Useful Instead Day was today. Our department had volunteered to help Edinburgh Zoo with those jobs that would benefit from the combined brain power of 50 graduate business people; sweeping fallen leaves, digging ditches, weeding and giving directions to lost tourists. Just as we arrived the heavens opened and George God wrought vengeance upon us for our capitalist ways with an impressive rain storm, but by the afternoon the sun broke through and baked us in 20degree heat. The Zoo chaps seemed well pleased with our efforts and we all got to feel useful. Well done Nat, you are a star for organising this mate.

Scouts start back tonight; I'm giving my feet a soak in a basin of warm water and having a coffee first. This has just been on the radio....nice, and thankfully not this awful version...terrible.

I shall enjoy all the more that hoppy pint of Orkney Best at the Beard and Cardigan tonight after Scouts. Have a splendid weekend blippers.

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