Clock Watching
There must be some law of physics out there that explain the relationship between the slowing down of time the nearer it gets to knocking off time, and how the effect seems to be amplified when the day has a Friday in it. As this was only of a four day week for me this week there must be another factor in the theory that explains why I can hardly stop yawning as I type this.
To be fair to my hard working students it seemed to be me that was doing most of the clock watching, they were all being as conscientious and focused on their tasks as if it was the first class of the week.
I can see a quick power nap being taken in the not too distant future. Ach, who am I kidding, I'm going to kick back on the couch and wait for the kids to throw something heavy at me as I zonk out and start dribbling and snoring to the detriment of their TV enjoyment.
Have a great weekend... you... youZ....Z... Z.. Z. Z z
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