
By PlanW

The Old Home Town Looks The Same ...

Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now again.

10 loads of washing done, mostly dry. 48 cupcakes made for a party tomorrow, will ice the little buggers in the morning.

Will back blip a couple of photies but not one for every day as I didn't take my charger with me. We rented a boat a couple of days and I shot my bolt early, taking 400 between those two days and my battery ran out.

A bit of a pisser to discover when I went out today that some little effer has been throwing stones at my car while I was away and I need a new windscreen. My neighbour's window was smashed too. Hanging's too good for 'em.

The Green Green Grass Of Home (needs a bloomin' good mow!!) Tom Jones, 1966.

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