Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Milo's Torchlight Debut

Tonight was Kendal's 41st Torchlight procession, and Milo's 1st. I LOVE Torchlight night.

This year's theme was Kendal Through the Ages, and Milo played an excellent farmer on his nursery school float. The float also starred Araminter the Rocking Sheep (from my childhood) and two of my mum's spinning wheels.

It was a long trip round town, in the pouring rain, but he sat proudly on his hay bale waving at the crowds. He couldn't have been more pleased when he received his bag of chocolate buttons from the teacher when they reached the end of the procession. He practically skipped all the way home (still in the pouring rain). Summer loved watching it, and was very pleased with her Chav-tastic flashing wand. Mummy and daddy shared a couple of cans of lager and a box of hot thai noodles. It doesn't get much better than that :)

PS - for the photo I asked Milo to say something a farmer would say...he put on a pirate-like voice and declared "I'm feeding my cows all the eggs I got"

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