a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Beastie girl!!

I was trying to think of something to blip today, and I was drawing a blank! I asked Jack what I should take a picture of...

He first suggested his toys. Good suggestion, although I'm not sure who wants to see a picture of his 8 million Matchbox cars....

His next suggestion was the T.V.

Hmmmmm.......not what I was thinking.....

He then said, "What about Sasha?"

So we headed outside to the backyard....Sasha (A.K.A. - Beastie Girl) loves the backyard...it's an acre and a half of open grass (with a few big trees) for her to run around in. Her favorite thing to do on windy days is sit on the little hill overlooking the valley with the breeze blowing her direction. I think she is trying to catch a scent in the air of a possible bone put out by our neighbor. He likes to put out bones for the neighborhood dogs.

So, it's not the greatest, most interesting photo, but it's our big 130 pounds of fluffy dog.

*Also, today we are thinking about the families that lost someone special to them, whether they were working in the World Trade Center, or one of the many men and women who were the first responders to the scene nine years ago today. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this senseless tragedy.

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