Checkpoint 151

Busy in town today.

The Park World Tour orienteering event is being held in and around our fair city this weekend, with competitors here from all over the world. Much of the action was taking place through the streets and vennels throughout the city centre.

Mrs T only missed getting wiped out by a runner the once. Mind you there were loads about and we were trying to marshal Cambo on his bike, Breagha on her lead, Scott and keep an eye out for traffic at the same time.

Yes, Scott is here, for just the one night this weekend. He's still not feeling 100% but we felt a wee change from his place would be good for him.

Today's shot had to be of the PWT event. Here is competitor 821 checking in at checkpoint 151.

//edit: Yes I was almost standing in the Tay for this shot. The things we do for our art.

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