
By Instography


This is Gerry's son Jamie who we deprived of his bed last night. That wouldn't have been so bad seeing as he's a young lad but it turned out he was working at his number 1 part-time job (he's a student) at Yo Sushi and would be getting in from his 10 hour shift. Gulp. As it turned out, he stayed up chatting with us until about 2am before retiring to the sofa in the shed so that he could get up to go back to work for a 1pm to 10pm shift today.

So he was looking pretty knackered when I eventually dragged my hangover out of bed at 10.30 this morning. Poor lad.

Since we were in Glasgow, it would be unthinkable not to visit the parentals. So we did, both of us sitting quite zombified drinking tea while the kids played and were played with.

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