In Tru Life

By TruLife

My Daughters

I love saying that,

as well as

My Girls or
The Girls

(Lyra and Ellie's mum - you have this to come! :-) read her story here)

My day started with bleary eyes and a numb mind as I was woken by my eldest Madeleine who wanted to get up and watch the box! I had however been up from 2am (well I only just went to bed then - thanks to blip - must go to BAA meetings - Blip Addicts Anonymous) till about 5am with my baby Floriana who for some reason decided to uncharacteristically scream and wail and be totally out of sorts! I have a theory but not sure if it's that I have my head in the clouds or not. BUT my hubby went to give baby her dummy when she stirred at the normal time and protested that her amber teething necklace was looking a bit pulled against her neck and could I remove it. I gently did when she next stirred and even though she may have given me the same night had she been wearing it or not, I could assume it was the absence of the necklace which was to blame! It was a nightmare as the usual popping dummy in didn't work, pick-up-put-down style of soothing didn't work, nappy change didn't work, calpol didn't work, out of desperation a breastfeed didn't help, baby neurofen didn't help and finally when I put the necklace back on and did pick-up-put-down again hey presto she fell asleep. Of course all this may have happened anyway but who knows? Do you think I'll be taking it off again though???

About the rest of my day: lazy morning (what do you expect lol) and an afteroon of cooking baby food. After the success of Thursday I tried a more chunky do-it-yourself tea for Floriana with veg and chicken in gravy but with the gagging and spew which ensued I decided to whizz up the rest of the food and stick to what I've been doing for a while longer!

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