3 Months Old

13 weeks + 1. 3 Months Old.

We tried a new playgroup at the methodist church near my dad's, that my sister in law recommended. It was great, the people were really friendly, the toys for little Katie were among the best we'd seen at a playgroup - and we're beginning to be reasonably good judges! There was a gym she liked, as she normally does, and some nice cradle chairs with toy bars.

Time is flying by. Three months already. Katie seems to have changed a lot the last few weeks.

* is trying really hard to sit on her own now - she can do it for a couple of seconds at a time
* she's getting much stronger
* she has started reaching for and picking up/holding her toys.
* is good at bearing weight on her legs
* loves it when she finds something new she can do, she's a very inquisitive, explorative little lady
* can kick her toys and pick things up and wave them

She likes:
* watching falling snow
* bathtime
* "wind the bobbin up"
* music time
* Jumperoo

She dislikes:
* calpol - a lot!
* getting dry from the bath

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