a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Sick day...

It was a long night last night...Jack was coughing all night long. Somehow my husband sleeps through it all, but with every cough, I was awakened.

It looks like today will be the first sick day of the school year for Jack. He's really sad, he couldn't wait for today after having the last two days off.

"Looks like you'll have to stay home today buddy"

"But Mom, I can cough into my Elmo" (Yes, it says Elmo, like the little red guy from Sesame Street....But he means elbow, he just has a hard time saying it! LOL!)

He keeps looking out the window for the bus...I feel bad. Hopefully he'll get over this little cold quickly.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to check out my 100th blip yesterday and to comment on it. I appreciate it very much! What were the chances of seeing a cloud that looked like a 100 on that particular day?? Now, onward to the next 100!!

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