From Where One Stands

By cassandra


This isnt me.
Or rather it is me. But more than I would like...

I forgot to take a photo. AGAIN.
And I only remembered after I'd had my shower, by which time it was dark.

So I thought I'd try something. Partly because I havent been brave enough to yet. And partly as a kind of self-punishment for being so rubbish with my photos of late!

I HATE having my photo taken.
And I HATE close-ups of my face.

So a self-portrait of sorts is my idea of hell.

I took this, straight out of the shower. Wet, uncombed hair. No make-up. Just how I dislike me most.

And I uploaded it, ready to edit, re-touch, etc etc.
But instead, I thought I'd leave it. Just as it is.

So this IS me. At my rawest. My most vulnerable. Just how I hate to be...

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