Planko's Pics

By planko

Bobbins to that!

Dads taxi service was in service tonight, ferrying children non paying passengers to Dundee for Scouts, so spent almost 2 hours with Mrs P dottering about taking blips. Didn't factor in the wind though. Felt like i was in the middle of a hurricane. It even got too much for the big tripod (which is a good weight Manfrotto!)

Still, managed to get this shot out of the blip bank. Ive had my eye on it for a couple of weeks now and decided tonight was the night.

It's by a local artist called Adrienne McStay and is meant to represent a giant jute bobbin. Its right outside the new 498 bedroom student flats that cost a cool £19.75 million to build, so will probably be draped in toilet roll in a few weeks time!

Like her other work, it's quirky, but i like.

Still cant believe they spent almost £20million building some houses when the multi's they are pulling down in Dundee could have been turned into Student Palaces for a fraction of that.


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