Still smiling
After all the fuss I've been making about that tooth (I feel like I've spoken about nothing else for the past two weeks, and I'm sure you feel the same) it's still there. Thank you for all your comforting (and not so comforting!) comments recently. I'll save them up for the day when I really do have an extraction.
The dentist took an x-ray to check if the roots were going to make the extraction difficult... and spotted that I'd had a root treatment in that tooth (I was sure it was on the other side - you'd think in the 2 and a half hours the procedure took that I'd remember something like that!). That meant that she could just pull off the broken bit, add a bit of filling to make it normal sized again and leave it at that. As there is no nerve, there's no danger of an abscess forming or of there being any pain if a bit of the filling falls off. So I just have the inconvenience of going back to the dentist whenever that happens.
Today, there was just the inevitable injections for pulling out the broken bit to tolerate, and quite a lot of pain and swelling once that wore off. She was able to do it with just a tiny local anaesthetic - so I didn't even have to get all dribbly and nonsensical. I had to take some painkillers anyway as it really did hurt a lot once I got home, so now just feel slightly spacey. School's cancelled for the day, but I might pop out later and teach them about planting bulbs (ie I'll sit on a deckchair while they dig in the dirt. That way everyone's happy.)
These, by the way, are what Mr B and his dad call Englishman's pliers. Anyone know their proper name?
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