Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

The Moon

200th blip crept up on me and I didn't have a good subject ... so here is a shot of the Moon, our nearest neighbour.

Approximately half way down the centre-line is where the first manned moon mission Apollo 11 landed on 16th July 1969.

If you imagine it as a clockface and draw an imaginary line from the centre to the "one o'clock position", about half way along your line is where Apollo 17, the last manned mission (to date) landed on 11th December 1972, and then left on 19th December 1972.

That's if you don't subscribe to any conspiracy theories.

Another amazing fact is that we Northern hemisphere folks get used to seeing it this way round ... and it appears the opposite way round (e.g. upside down to us Northerners) in the Southern Hemisphere. I actually never knew this until I was sitting on a beach on the West Coast of NZ a few years back and thought the moon looked weird ... then I worked out why ... and actually had real proof that the world is indeed round :-)

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