roots and wings

By rootsandwings

planting flowers

today i spent some time planting a few things in the native butterfly garden i help with at a local elementary school. one of the second graders used her own definition for planting. picking this daisy and tucking it down into the mulch. i didnt have the heart to tell her it wouldnt grow.

in other news, 100 blips! and i only missed one day. its seems like only yesterday i was starting this page, unsure of how consistent i would be. now toting my camera along with me and taking photos seems to have become a daily habit instead of a every so often hobby. just as i was hoping! thanks to everyone (well, anyone) who visits regularly. while i get joy out of blipping, i sure hope others get joy out of looking at what i have to say. be it through my photos or through what i write to accompany them.

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