
By FauxPunk

Boxers Boy

This one's for Kip & Gail. Nell & Cheryl, cover your eyes!

Turned out to be quite an eventful day! Was meant to have a Dentist appointment today, but it was cancelled as they were off sick! Instead I used the money that my team gave me as part of my leaving gift to pay to upgrade my flickr account to pro :-D This means you can expect many more links to failed blips muahahahaha (see below).

Went to Starbucks, had an awesome Venti Hazelnut Hot Chocolate, and then went to the gym (yes, I really did!) After that came home, and took the above daytime U/P, again from our very own balcony. I'd had a mental image of Mathew in the rain, taken from our bedroom window - Mathew refused to be photographed in his gym clothes (chav/ned look) so instead offered (of his own accord, without any persuasion, and in my opinion much to readily) to go out on the balcony in the middle of the day wearing only his boxers. Anybody else think he may be an outrageous exhibitionist? This is the result. There's another of him half-nakey here.

Afterwards, we went to GBK (Gourmet Burger Kitchen) where (thanks to a discount voucher) we got an awesome meal for about the same price as a MacDonalds. Mathew also managed to take a half decent portrait of me.

A good day :-)

Oh, and there's a backblip of yesterday's balcony UP

<<<--- that way

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